Keidi Gonzalez Soto - Sponsor Now

Keidi Gonzalez Soto

Place Mexico - Valle de Nayarit

Age 2

Gender Female


Even at the age of one, Keidi has a strong personality and temper. She enjoys following her brother around and playing soccer (football) with him. Her hometown of Valle de Nayarit is located just outside the city of Tepic, Mexico. Valle de Nayarit is a very impoverished community. The children here are vulnerable to the threats of cartel in the area. The families are extremely poor and struggle to meet the basic needs of the children. The Expect Hope program in Valle de Nayarit provides education, a safe place for the children to play and receive care for their basic needs. Your sponsorship will help to provide meals, clothing, shelter, access to healthcare and most importantly, love.